Ostraca, Ekphrasis and the Magnificent Pile Part III !!!
/Yes! Three exclamation marks for Part III. It is the beginning of so much more to this story. This time I broke a rule I have kept for 10 years -- the one about staying anonymous. Although, I only bent it a little.
Here’s what happened:
Since the towers were so obviously (to me) the work of the same creative mind and muscle, I wanted to play fair: a) ask permission to use my photographs of the towers on this blog, and b) ask whether the builder(s) would like the work credited or to remain anonymous. I left a note:
The hoped-for answer arrived in a day.
The builder is Robert. The imagination, the design, the engineering and execution make him an extraordinary artist. He was too modest to self-identify so, I’m taking identification license. Robert, the builder, is an artist. Better ─ artist-engineer.
Within a few days, the Magnificent Pile, had changed its crown to this:
From the lake side
From the land side
And Next to it, Robert had flung:
Although it was considerably smaller than the tower, it had so much energy at its heart, enough to hold its own next to all that grandeur next door.
I left this:
3 June 2017
Oh what a THING you are today
With your First Nations Eagle heart
In pride of place.
Your improbably graceful curls and curves
Who knew that concrete blocks and bricks
can sway
can dance
can undulate so?
The Romans and the Greeks have nothing on you.
In return, Robert sent these:
Credit: ©Robert Zunke
Credit: ©Robert Zunke
Credit: ©Robert Zunke
Until next time.
The Stealth Art Collective
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