Janus: Two-Facing


I found him king-of-the-castling on August 17, 2014 atop a newly arrived mound of rubble.  This view is toward open water.


A ten foot clips-on-bike-shoes slippery scramble to leave a note on that shard of orange brick on his pedestal.


Oh, you are too cute to
ignore even if it means
clambering over this
pile of deconstructed
city to get to you!


On his other side, the side looking toward the city, I left this note


Looks are deceiving,
yes? At first glance from
the other side you’re
simply cute up here.
But from
this side
your rusty hair does not
obstruct your view either —
forward and back
like Janus as you stand
here in the present. I
admire this about you.
It can’t be easy seeing
that much, being rooted
here. Or does it provide
you with some hold on

And only one week later.


From August 17 to October 12, 2014, Janus experienced numerous alterations, semi-deconstructions, reconstructions and witnessed a sinister incursion. On each occasion my response was written on some suitable surface at hand.

And now, backtracking a little to the day of the incursion.

On this late August day the ride along The Spit entry road was unusually quiet. No birdsong, no cormorant squawk, no wind rush sound in my ears — so quiet in fact, that I could hear the insects singing. Not a single rabbit scampered to safety just ahead of my front wheel, when so often at dawn there could be twenty or more successful dodges between us.

The point, where I did most of the creative instinct tracking and writing was hushed. Suddenly, THUMP, that distinctive hollow sound of heavy objects striking ground underpinned as The Spit is by rubble and its air pockets. I stopped, breath held, silenced as if obedient to some instinct.

I crouched. A little hidden and wrote.


Stunning, sobering
the dark force of him.
I heard it first, one clunk as something hit the ground.
It felt somehow notice-worthy when normally such noises out here only register.
Slowly, ever so slowly moving across you
searching eyes
until he spotted his next victim
so sadly thorough and complete his work. I saw him moments later sitting
bare footed, alone — perhaps the victim of a chaos governed broken heart.

Looking up every couple of words to keep my eye on him I suddenly felt a deep shift . You know the split -second moment - that impossible to put into words eye-lock instant. I moved very slowly keeping him at a constant distance thinking, ‘He is without wheels, I have my bike. Stay. I can outpace him .’ And so, we inched keeping that gap steady between us, our eyes not meeting again, mine averted for fear of triggering something unpredictable in him, something more powerful. Despite my bravado, foreboding allowed no further writing that day.

He appeared and disappeared only once into the path leading up to the lighthouse. On all of my subsequent visits that path has never again looked quite so beautiful, mysterious and sinister as it did on that day.


I remain altered by that encounter. It was more information about The Spit than I wanted at such intensity. The guys from 2012 target practicing were enough.  To this day, I cannot unknow their impact or his presence, his methodical determination, taking his time e v e r   s o  s l o w l y,   ever so deliberately until every single creative act was razed. 

But then again, The Spit is impartial and deeply dimensional, wild and unpredictable. It holds the tension of opposites with such grace. It has never been my intention to change it (as IF I could) or to avoid this truth. The Spit’s contrasts and mysteries are what draw me. Best to remember this.

I had another rule for myself:  not to rebuild anything that has been altered or destroyed. But I was attached to this one. It occurs to me as I write today, that I must have needed to soften the blow of that assault from the week before.  I did a little restoration work, just a little.



And left this note.


…with the hope
that this is as good
a reconstructions as
Humpty’s might have been.
You are just too good to let go.
Hold on! Hold on!

Until October 12th, when only this remained.


The granite slab on which I had written to Janus at our first meeting was laid, writing side visible, on his concrete block pedestal. I added this to the existing text.


The thought of you still
lingers here — so it seems
that someone has remembered,
has held your thought in this saved note.

By October 25th, all traces of Janus, his pedestal and his rubble mound had been bulldozer-obliterated. The Spit had grown a little and it was time to begin again.

And for us, you and me, until next time.

The Stealth Art Collective

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The Artist and the Cookbook

I told this story to a few friends who said I should have posted it when it happened, that you would have liked the story about the synchronicity that sent The Spit  to Austria.  Better late than never?

In early 2019, Galerie Centrum in Graz, Austria found us.  This is how.

Going way back to what seemed like minutes after WWII, my newly married mother was leaving Austria. As a parting gift, her mother gave her a beautifully bound and illustrated cookbook by Katharina Prato.  To understand the importance of this book, think Austria’s Julia Child (a hundred years before Julia) meets Irma Rombauer (The Joy of Cooking).  Besides its significance as a kind of cooking Bible, the cookbook was given to her the last time my mother would ever see her mother.  So, now you have an idea of how devastated my mother was when the shipping crate that carried our belongings was looted while travelling by rail from Quebec City harbour to White River Ontario.  She often mentioned that cookbook over the years, mourned its loss and the connection it had carried.

 Many years later, I found a copy of the cookbook, (right publishing date, but not nearly as beautiful and illustration rich as the original) through an online Austrian antique bookseller.  I had the book restored and a case made for it and then presented it to my mother. Eventually she had to transfer to a nursing home.  What to do with that Prato cookbook?  Recycle bin was NOT an option.

The first return on a Google search was a culinary competition in Graz, Austria named for Katharina Prato.  A sign, yes? Graz is the culinary capital of Austria -- perfect home for the book.  I had forgotten to delete my automatic signature with link to this blog, before sending my email inquiry.  It turned out that the lead organizer of the event was a curious person and became enchanted with our Leslie Street Spit.  He also happened to be a close friend of the curator at Galerie Centrum, who in turn was a curious person and became enchanted with our Leslie Street Spit.  The exhibition opened December 26, 2019.

A few exhibition images:


Until next time. Stay safe and be careful out there.

The Stealth Art Collective

The Little City (continued) - at October 2018

And so, the next month, The Little City is beckoning.  What a great downtown to go to for an introvert like me! 

This day I feel that familiar urgency to get there.  It’s already October and I’m running out of time – again.  I hear the cicadas.  It’s a warm day but not the choicest time to be courting. It’s October for crying out loud!  They must be in a muscle flexing frenzy propelled by season’s end intuition. I wonder at their urgency and how it is related to mine.  Their melody precedes and follows me onward from about halfway along the inner road.  I’m missing something. 

Of course! Nothing is ever just one thing. I figure that like any sectioned orchestra, the grasshoppers, perhaps day-night confused katydids, legs bowing on wings, may be contributing to this symphony.  And then there is the breeze with its foretelling undercurrents sighing over my ears and the lapping of wavelets once I get near enough.  I think how I will miss this concert. For months.

And there it is! I’m snapped out of my symphonic reverie.  I know by heart the above the rubble cliff landmarks by now.  I’m here. Slam on the brakes, ditch the bike, a few steps, peer over the edge. And, YES!

Today, despite a bit more sprawl, The Little City exudes its enchantment without letting me drift to real-world urban reflections like last time.  I am particularly motivated to hold everything Spit-magical today.


A new tenant:


And that little blue beach glass heart, the pen is claiming as a tribute for its ink. What a diva!


I leave this:


09 October 18

A linear page today
to echo your linear

Your ability to inspire
growth is, well is,
considering your precarious

My guess is that your sturdiness
depends on respect

It doesn’t hurt either that you
have tucked yourself in here
the rubble cliff.

Do you plan to wander
to the sea?

Until next time. 

The Stealth Art Collective

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The Little City - August/September 2018

I first came upon it a few weeks ago ─ barely visible from a distance and unidentifiable.  It kind of telegraphed a sense of order, just enough to pique curiosity. 

Like so many things on The Spit, it was worth the trek along the sand, pebble, rubble beach in my clip-slippery bike shoes to get there. You don’t have to go that way.  It’s just that my curiosity drove me onward without considering less complicated alternatives. I was already on the beach below the newest incarnation of the Magnificent Pile trying to get a shot of it from the lake side when I received the ‘telegraph’.

And then:

I left this tucked into the back, facing the rubble cliff:

Here it is, a little easier to read:

26 August 2018

A swan pair flies
He’s in front, honking to her.
Is it to make sure
she is still there?
She’s not answering from
her nearly
Or is it the other way ‘round?
She, then he?
And then there is you,
small city of wonder…
Oh, and another swan
alone this time,
the honking not quite
so confident.

As distractingly wonderful
as those three were,
you are here beside me,
a begin-again
harmonious high density

Ten days later:

For a moment I am transfixed by the encounter of this Google Earth likeness. I am a benevolent introspective giant here.  The impending sky, the juxtaposition of the rubble cliff and its meaning, with the orderly elegance of the vulnerable little city, and the promise that it might offer, all held in a single gaze.  A small shiver of recognition passes through me.


7 September 2018

Hello again, hello,
charming city of
with your perfect
value scale balance:
white to grey to black
back again.
You’ve grown so, and now
you have yourself
an orange brick

Keeping out
keeping in?

Perhaps a frame to show you off
to best advantage
its colour difference
and precision placement.

‘Ah, you cannot know the
answer’ says the pen. ‘You
can only guess and spill my ink
with your speculation.’
‘You’re wrong.’ I say ‘It’s only play.’

Some days I love not knowing

Also on this day, the tower builder arrived and was instantly hard at work and keenly focused just down the way.  The temptation to approach was huge.  But I knew that knowing would change everything.  And so,

07 September 2018

I thought I was
my commitment to
Today is a little shaky.
The pen is sniggering
at my distress.
The builder is over there as
I sit safe-distanced
by the little city here.
Shall I leave this note page
here or there?
There, would only be
a sort-of half
Is there such a thing?

I visited the little city again the other day.  It has developed urban sprawl with low-rise additions at its periphery. Still charming. And yet somehow its magical intimate ambush eroded with this suburbs hint toward real-city evolution. There it was, a nudge toward the commonplace world I inhabit and me, deeply reluctant to leave enchantment behind.

Until next time. 

The Stealth Art Collective

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While We Were Absent

Just before my long hiatus I received this beautiful image "Poem in Ice" taken January 1, 2015 from Kris Ito.  It makes perfect timing for a small digression from 'The Magnificent Pile'  and a perfect bridge, for beginning again.  Thanks Kris!

January 1, 2015 © Kris Ito

January 1, 2015 © Kris Ito

Here it is in October 2014,  freshly written and left at my favourite talk-to-The-Spit site – below the lighthouse, a little over the rubble cliff edge.


To The Leslie Street Spit,

Almost mid-October now (I’m glad all your notes have gone – too much to read!)
Thanksgiving weekend to be more accurate.
No matter the amount of wiping, your surfaces
still bleed the ink.  It’s just too cold for the dew to
release on this breath-visible morning.

It felt imperative today, absolutely appropriate, to
thank you for your existence, your magic,
your small-gap revelation of the universe,
a little like Oz, not the sham of him. It’s the glimpse
behind the curtain…a moment so brief, it can be
easily missed.

Creative spirit and instinct mingle here. I’ve not seen it
so clearly anywhere else before.  I love you for this
and for all you draw from the natural world, from
the human world, from me and the pen.
You are indeed a temenos, a holy place, in the best
possible sense.

Thank you for the slim edge that you are, where the
natural and the deconstructed built worlds dance –
and the monarchs, this morning, so many exquisitely
beautiful monarchs.

With profound appreciation,
                               the pen and the camera and me



'til soon.

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