And so, the next month, The Little City is beckoning. What a great downtown to go to for an introvert like me!
This day I feel that familiar urgency to get there. It’s already October and I’m running out of time – again. I hear the cicadas. It’s a warm day but not the choicest time to be courting. It’s October for crying out loud! They must be in a muscle flexing frenzy propelled by season’s end intuition. I wonder at their urgency and how it is related to mine. Their melody precedes and follows me onward from about halfway along the inner road. I’m missing something.
Of course! Nothing is ever just one thing. I figure that like any sectioned orchestra, the grasshoppers, perhaps day-night confused katydids, legs bowing on wings, may be contributing to this symphony. And then there is the breeze with its foretelling undercurrents sighing over my ears and the lapping of wavelets once I get near enough. I think how I will miss this concert. For months.
And there it is! I’m snapped out of my symphonic reverie. I know by heart the above the rubble cliff landmarks by now. I’m here. Slam on the brakes, ditch the bike, a few steps, peer over the edge. And, YES!
Today, despite a bit more sprawl, The Little City exudes its enchantment without letting me drift to real-world urban reflections like last time. I am particularly motivated to hold everything Spit-magical today.